Sunday, 12 August 2012

Werrikimbee by Joe Massingham

The brown earth snake winds up the hill.
We travel on it, ants in space
held in by tree upon tree upon tree,
one dropped by bat or bird to mark
each year since the start of counting
four hundred million years ago;
and ferns for festivals and feasts
in case the months go unremembered.

Somewhere in a green curve
the firework bursts of two hydrangeas
dazzle the eye, pull in the breath, attract
butterflies, their very familiarity
reminding us we both are strangers.

Author’s note:  Werrikimbee is one of a number of rainforest National Parks on the north-east New South Wales coastal escarpment.

Joe Massingham, Australia


Crafty Green Poet said...

Joe Massingham was born in the UK but has lived the second half of his life in Australia.

Major employment has been as a Navy officer, university student from first degree to PhD, tutor, lecturer and Master of Wright College, University of New England, NSW. Has run his own writing and editing business but retired early because of cancer and heart problems and now spends time waiting to see medical practitioners, writing poetry and prose and smelling the roses.

He has had work published in Australia, Canada, UK, Eire, India, Nepal, New Zealand and USA.

Andrea McBride said...

The contrast of familiarity vs. strangers is something to ponder. I like the firework bursts.

janetld said...

wonderfully sensitive poem!