Friday, 27 November 2009

What Never Was by Amir Elzeni

I guess we all have
our memories, our past,

I threw out
every girl's number
I ever had, when I fell
in love,

and ten years later,
somebody finds me,
somebody always finds you,

and they write you,
email you, as if
the rain never got us wet,

but I am in love,

and they should know,

only fools

Amir Elzeni, USA


Dianne said...

Yes, as if the rain never got us wet....
only fools revisit.
Quite a theme for a mid-life crisis.
Thanks for sharing this work, keep sending it out

Enchanted Oak said...

It's pointless to revist past loves. Thanks for the lovely poem about that simple truth.

Karen said...

You are right on with this. I, too, like the form and these lines:

" if
the rain never got us wet,"


"only fools

Emily said...

I love this - highly evocative yet apparently simple. I especially liked the lines, 'somebody finds me,/
somebody always finds you,'.