Friday, 16 April 2010

my cathedral by Karen S. Nowviskie

my cathedral, green
butresses a deep blue southern sky

my cardinal, red
sings hymns that raise

a host of finches, gold

Karen S Nowviskie, West Virginia, USA


Naquillity said...

Karen this is full of imagery and homestead, heart. there's no place we can write about with more meaning than our home place. have a great day/ weekend.

Linda S. Socha said...

This is marvelous and it touches my heart as well as my thoughts...such as this is great poetry

the walking man said...

That is easily a flag I could live under; green, red and, gold.

Rick said...

What lively colours. What a flag you paint. ~rick

Aniket Thakkar said...

I was captured by the first line. It painted such a serene image.

Enchanted Oak said...

This brevity speaks to me. I take flight with finches at the end of it.

Gordon Mason said...

Enjoyed this short burst through colours and nature.

Julie said...

Karen, this is so beautiful! The images are stunning, and I love the colors. I can feel those gold finches rising with the last line.

Karen said...

Thanks to all of you, my poet friends, who took your time to come here and read and comment. I am deeply gratified and humbled by your thoughtfulness.

I hope you take time to look around the site and enjoy this eclectic collection of poetry.

Julie, you are the one who told me about Bolts of Silk, and I'm glad you did. It has become one of my regular favorite poetry reads.

my delayed reactions said...

Enjoying all the poetry on Bolts of Silk, but I especially liked the economical imagery and structure of Karen's poem. Joanna

Totalfeckineejit said...

Karen is a fine poet and will go far.