Sunday 12 November 2006

Come in from the cold: November snapshots by Eugenia Andino

Salgo sola, al amanecer.
El viento gélido me envuelve
Mientras mis amigos duermen.

Alone, out at dawn.
The icy wind wraps me up
While my friends sleep.

Dos feroces dragones:
Un niño y una niña con impermeables,
Su aliento de vapor.

Two fiery dragons:
Boy and girl in raincoats,
Their breath of steam.

Una hoja se aferra a la rama.
Otoño helado.
'No te rindas sin oponer resistencia'.

Leaf clings to the tree,
Chill autumn.
'Don't give in without a fight' (Pink Floyd)

Con purpurina de escarcha
la hierba se disfraza:
Un Halloween tardío.

Glittery with frost
The grass puts on a costume:
a late Halloween.

Eugenia Andino, Seville, Spain

1 comment:

Crafty Green Poet said...

A very evocative series - is November still autumn or is it in fact winter? It feels like winter at the moment!