Friday, 22 November 2013

Brotecito / Little Seedling by Amelia Modrak


Crece, mi brotecito, crece,
Antes de que cambie el clima,
Antes de que lo hayamos alterado
De una forma irreversible.
Conviértete en fronde joven,
Y luego en bosques frondosos,
Inunda la Tierra de verde
Y absorbe todo el carbón;
Ese carbón tóxico que respiro,
Esa nube caliente, hija del egoísmo,
Ese veneno invisible
Que asesina nuestro destino.
Crece, mi brotecito, crece,
Antes de que cambie el clima,
Antes de que lo hayamos alterado
De una forma irreversible.


Little seedling

Grow, my little seedling, grow,
Before the climate changes,
Before we have altered it
In an irreversible way.
Become young foliage,
And then luxuriant woods,
Cover The Earth with green
and absorb all of the carbon;
That toxic carbon I breathe,
That hot cloud, daughter of egotism,
That invisible poison
which assassinates our fate.
Grow, my little seedling, grow,
Before the climate changes,
Before we have altered it
In an irreversible way.

Amelia Modrak, Edinburgh, UK

1 comment:

Jinksy said...

Blessing to all such little seedlings..